Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not For the Faint of Heart...or the Weak Stomach

Taken around the 12th of October...Haley's first area
Hola Amigos!  We are working really hard but not getting any baptisms. We will have one next week...Mishelle Morey. She´s 9 and her whole family are less active. The last 3 weeks we have been working on finding new people and trying to get the old ones baptized. One of our investigators, Gressy (the lady from the motokar story) got baptized in another church. That was a blow. Satan is working hard here.

It’s not easy to follow promptings all the time but it’s always worth it. For example we were teaching this guy named Franco. I got a really strong impression that we needed to leave. I didn't know why and my companion didn´t feel the same way. She wanted to finish the lesson. I caved and we stayed. When we went to our next appointment we learned that the husband of our investigator had just left. We have been having a hard time with this investigator. She knows the church is true, she has a testimony but her boyfriend doesn´t want to get married.  We haven´t talked to them together yet.  If I had followed this prompting we would have met Raul and taught them both. We may have been able to help them get married. ALWAYS listen to your promptings.

Thanks for the support back home. There is no way that we could do this without you guys. I love you and have a great week! 

[from Dad:  Haley finally sent some pictures...not quite ones that are spiritually uplifting, but if you know Haley, then these are absolutely her!]

Peruvian Christmas Nativity
 These are taxadermied animals. They're fresh kills and not done well. Smelled pretty foul. The second week the skin started to fall off. You're lucky I didn't have my camera that day. [Animals include a sloth, pig, anteater, capybara and other unidentifiable ones.  If you zoom in, you can almost smell them.] 
 Haley said they taste like warm butter.