Monday, May 19, 2014

Finally! A piranah...or at least a fish with big teeth.

Grandma photo bomb!
Hey Everybody!

Hope that you are all having a great week. I got transferred to Tarapoto this last week [Dad: Tarapoto is an hour flight from Iquitos]. Its beautiful here and reminds me a lot of Park City [Dad: it's obvious that Haley hasn't been to park city it a while!] Its really green and mostly cool. 

I sent a few pictures so you guys could all see. I am really excited to work here. We are finding a lot of new people to teach and we are having a ton of fun doing it. 

We are working hard and seeing the blessings! 

Pray for missionary opportunities! 

Much Love,

Hna Burrell

[Note from Dad:  We got to talk with Haley last week for about an hour.  It was really difficult trying to carry on a coherent conversation with her.  Her English was very broken and she had trouble thinking of words...she couldn't remember the word for 'backpack'.  She kept calling it 'a bag with two straps'.  We had a good laugh with her.  She finally got transferred to a new area, Tarapoto.  She said that it is much nicer than Iquitos...especially the Internet.  She will be able to send more pictures home because it is much faster.  She did mention that she can't believe that her mission is almost 1/2 over.  As a family, we thank all of you for your prayers and concern for her.  Please keep it up.]

This house is on 15' stilts...and almost underwater.

LUNCH!  Who is eating who?

New area: Tarapoto

New area: Tarapoto