Monday, December 9, 2013

The waters are on the rise...


¡Lo siento por no escribiendo bueno! ¡Un día voy a ser mejor! [Sorry for not writing well! One day I will be better!]

This week has been crazy! At changes [transfers] we got 2 more gringas [white girls] in the Ward. They were in the CCM with me so it’s a little strange but really cool to be with them.

It’s been raining this week and the waters are on the rise. It’s weird not to be able to enter into my old area when it’s so close. My comp is wonderful. She was sick for a week and a half before she told anybody. It caused a few other problems, but I have to say I commend her for sticking it out. So we went to the doctor for her on Saturday and they think she has the typhoid. It sucks pretty badly. It’s either that or parasites or a bacterial infection. They don´t know so they are running a bunch of tests. Luckily we haven´t missed too much work. Even though she feels like garbage, compy [my companion] still wants to work.

This week I saw a rat attack a chicken [no translation needed]. That was pretty exciting…and I saw a cock fight.  It was almost as exciting as the chicken rat fight! Loving the people here and I am finally getting used to the food. We ate mac and cheese from a box last night! WHAT! So good!

We are having a little trouble getting people to listen to us but I think that’s because we are focusing on finding people. This week we are going to shift our focus to menos actives [less actives] and new converts. Here, there are a lot of part member families, so if we focus on them we will find people to teach. If y’all have more ideas let me know.

FYI bought a thermometer this week. They still use mercury here. We haven´t used it yet.

Gonna have a baptism this week!  Dora is getting baptized on Saturday. Crazy stuff! 

OH This week we taught a lesson in the cemetery. If you guys get the chance, share your testimony about the plan of salvation in a cemetery. The spirit is so strong. Have a great week all of you and remember that you are missionaries!

Much love Hna. Burrell

[Just a note from dad.  Haley would love to hear from you...ALL OF YOU.  She doesn't have a lot of computer time on Mondays, so if you want to send her a quick note or a "just thinking about you" card, her address is on the right side of her blog.  It would really mean a lot to her...especially around the holidays.]

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