Monday, September 8, 2014

Camu Camu in the Jungle

(Dad:I told Haley that if she didn't give me something for her blog, that I was going to make something up...photoshop a picture of her wrestling an amazonian gerbil...)

Tarapoto sunset

These past few weeks have been crazy. Its hard to believe that another transfer has passed by so fast.  (Dad: Haley has been in Peru for just over 1 year) 

The whole area (5 countires) have had a ton of missionary rule changes. We can't eat with the members anymore because there were a ton of missionaries getting sick from the dirty food. Its not too bad here in Tarapoto, but better safe than sorry. We were all ordered to take anti parasite pills a couple of weeks ago and we will be retaking the dosage in a couple of weeks. Also they changed the rules for sick missionaries. Now if you are sick for 3 weeks or more...parasites that are bad, broken bones, opperations or anything that will like take longer to heal... you go home. No questions asked. Some times I dont understand and now I feel like we are racing against the clock to keep a few of the sisters here in the zone from going home.
Haley and Hermana Estes
Today are changes (transfers)! My companion and I are really hoping that we don't get changed. We shouldn't because we have only been together for a short time. I would really like to finish my mission with her. Its possible. But that would leave her with one change and she would have to train a new sister leader. 

The work is going well. We are working hard and praying hard. All of our invesigators are families but they all have really huge doubts. A lot of them are struggling with gaining a testimony. We recently had a training on the importance of the Book Of Mormon so we are reading it with all of the investigators. Its working! 
Camu Camu

We are going to work really hard this week to make sure they can get baptized this month. We are also working on getting a lot of new investigators, this is something that we have been struggling with. We are not having a lot of references from the memeber. Dear members, please give the missionaries references. They really need them. 

Tarapoto is just a beautiful as ever and it is getting closer to Camu Camu season. Its one of my favorite fruits and most def my favorite time of year! If you guys ever have need for a high dose of vitamin c just need to find some camu camu vitamins! They say its real good for your skin too! 

I hope that everyone has a great time this week and that you all remember to say your prayers! Prayer is so powerful. Much love!!!

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