Friday, March 7, 2014

Punching dogs and falling coconuts...but it's all good.

Life here is good…still deathly hot and humid.  Sweatin’ out the toxins.  My comp had to go to Lima for visa papers on Friday. She said that it was hotter in Lima and it was almost unbearable. I’m grateful to be here in the jungle.

Ringworm is good. [note from dad:  Haley got ringworm from a dog named Panterra.  Gross!]  It’s all cleared up and I just have the marks now.

Life is good. My comp and I are working really hard to get families. Right now we don´t have very many.

The teaching is always good. We are on a high right now. We just gotta stay up there.

So, this week a dog tried to bite me and I literally punched it in the face. I felt really bad but it’s a really mean dog. Every time we walk by, the stupid thing chases us.  That dog doesn't bark at us anymore…which is really nice.

Also, my work bag ripped so we took it to a lady that fixes shoes. She fixed my bag up real nice for a dollar! [note from dad:  That’s just a little of the Virginian/Texan hick coming out of her]

...and I got hit with a coconut. We were teaching outside under the tree because it was hot. Well, its coconut fell and it hit my arm…but it was a little one so it wasn't too bad. We ate the coconut too. It was really, really good.

I am going to cut my hair. It’s hot and it gets tangled really easy. It is time to cut it. Not too short though.

We started teaching this lady named Kelly. She's married but her husband lives with a prostitute [note from dad:  I guess it is as expensive to get a divorce as it is to get married] She has 4 kids and a testimony that is unshakable. This is her time. She was introduced to the church as a little kid but never got baptized and never really went to church. Well she was given a Book of Mormon but later in life she threw it away. When we talked to her about it she said that she had never been more repentant for throwing something away. She told us that at the time she felt that she shouldn't throw it away but didn´t listen to her feelings. Well we gave her a new one and she started reading it right away. We invited her to get baptized. She said that she would but that she was scared. Turns out that she has a mental illness that causes a compulsion to pull out and eat her hair. She was embarrassed because she would have to take out her hair piece in order to get baptized. We assured her that everything would be ok and now she is getting baptized on the 15th! It’s super great!

Love from the Amazon!


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