Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Quick Update from Peru.

Elder C. Scott Grow and Sister Rhonda Grow
Hey everybody! 

Well this week was pretty awesome. We got visited by Elder C. Scott Grow and his wife Sister Grow. It’s always a blessing to be able to listen to a General Authority. I was thinking a lot about the mission language during his training. Elder Grow served his mission in Mexico almost 50 years ago, his Spanish is still really, really good. He works with his Spanish every day, not only teaching but he is also helping with the new Spanish translation of the Book of Mormon. There is a part in Preach My Gospel that says that we should always keep up our language skills. It says that the Lord has invested a lot in us and we don't know His plans for our language. It’s really true. We are blessed with the gift of tongues here and we should not waste that blessing. I feel really blessed to be here on m mission and to have the opportunity to preach the Word.

I was asked this week if it was easy to lose focus. I told them no because all I do is focus. It’s hard to forget when you try to live what you preach. 

Also this week our investigator Jhoyla got baptized. She bore her testimony and said that she would always be happy now because she was a member of the church. It was so sweet. 

Thank you all for your letters! I enjoy reading from all of you! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Love from the Amazon


PS.  Also I got Dengue this week. Dont worry. I'm alright. Im doing much better now. I hope that you guys will continue to have a great week. Tell everybody hi for me! 

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